Editor's word

In the last pre-New Year issue this year (and we have “November-December” - it is always a festive issue) it is customary to take stock. However, I would like to step back from the usual topic and talk about something else - about my observations of the indigenous people of the Emirates, the same people who are not more than ten percent in the country and who we all are visiting. If you are not familiar with UAE citizens and only occasionally see their smooth gait in white mantra and black abayas in the malls, in passing catch them with a calm, slightly alienated look from under long black eyelashes, then it may seem as if they consciously keep their distance . Honestly, I was always interested: how do they do it? How is it possible to always look beautiful and well-groomed, to maintain a direct posture, not to rush anywhere, to inspire confidence and respect, to have oneself and reassure at the same time? The country is young, and yet its citizens are always reasonable and generous, friendly and wise. But the main quality, which, it seems to me, distinguishes them from everyone else, is the kindness reflected in their eyes.

If you ask, they will always come to the rescue. They will support you in difficult times, say the right words, and solve any problem. Their hearts are open, there is not a bit of anger or hatred in them - they are cordially ready to accept on their land people of all nationalities, religions and political views. Their natural wisdom allows them to be above any strife, fuss and passion. It is incredibly difficult for us Europeans to achieve all this - we constantly run somewhere, wait for something, worry about something. And only occasionally do we read clever words from the great ones about the importance of gaining inner peace. Or maybe we should stop thinking so much about trifles and just learn from them to look at life from a different angle? Try to change primarily your attitude towards life, and not the people around you? After all, the world has long lacked kindness, and giving it to others is not at all difficult. Especially here in the Emirates, where before my eyes is such a clear example. I congratulate you on the upcoming holidays and wish you the next year is full of kindness. And by the way, the best gift you can give yourself for a holiday is to do a good deed for another person. Right now.

Irina Malkova