Features of national farming

Text and photo: Irina Ivanova

Well, sir, what have we not seen in the United Arab Emirates? We have been living here for about ten years and, it seems, we have already studied everything - we once discussed with my sister the problem of the variety of entertainments in this country.

Feeling almost at home here for a long time, I wanted to please something oftentimes with visiting guests and relatives. But the choice turned out to be small: the sea, fishing, safaris, excursions in the Emirates and shopping centers. It’s good that there are friends who, as it turned out, can still surprise us with something!

On an excursion for eggs

Have you ever seen how to breed ostriches? My friend is doing this, do you want to see? - one of my friends asked me once.

Sanya lives in the Emirates even longer than us, and knows here everyone and everyone.

Are we going to visit an Arab farmer? - I was surprised. Well, why, to the real Russian, from Siberia. He has a whole farm here with every living creature and garden.

I could not resist the suggestion to recall the taste of environmentally friendly eggs, not spoiled by hormones and other excipients, which are stuffed with poor production chickens and other birds. And the very next morning we went to the suburb of Sharjah, a small village of Dade.

Over bumps, over bumps, along narrow paths .... And in front of us is a huge open area with a rare shrub. It’s difficult to call it a desert, after all, it’s not continuous sand, the steppe is also not the middle strip of Russia. In a word, a great place for a safari with a game of catch-up with ostriches. This original way of spending time in nature was immediately offered to my sister-guide, who happens to have especially sophisticated tourists who require exotics.

It remains only to ask permission for the exploitation of birds from their owner, a cozy house which hid just behind a grove of dead palm trees. We parked the car under a vibrant green carport and set off to explore the surroundings.

Ostriches are not only wings, legs and tails, but also almost 1.5 tons of delicious dietary meat ...

As well as skin and eggs - everything goes into business! - the ostrich grower Ilya told us, demonstrating his possessions.

Nice representatives of such a profitable commercial product curiously extended their long thin necks towards us, staring at with huge, half-face eyes. We even tried to feed them with green onions, immediately plucked nearby, but the fear that the ostrich could painfully pinch, despite such a friendly appearance, did not allow it to come closer. And also stories about the size of the ostrich brain, which is smaller than that eye, and the power of a leg strike ...

Despite all the assurances of Ilya that these cute birds do not differ in malevolent character, and that one brave girl even rode them on, we did not dare to go along the fence of the ostrich paddock, but rode in unapproved shoes for this through grooves and pits on the opposite side. It all seemed that the black males of African ostriches were chasing us, carefully watching the swaying huge feathers in our hands, previously torn from someone and presented instead of a flower bouquet.

Into the wilderness ...

Ilya’s possessions were vast. In addition to a variety of animals - rams, goats and all kinds of birds, there were “other products” in the house, in particular, cabbage, onions, tomatoes grew on the beds. ... I don’t know if the garden is a profitable part of Ilya’s farm, but I think today no one He will not refuse fresh, without chemicals and pesticides, vegetables directly from the garden.

Oh, good spring in the village! We drank tea at a wooden table on the veranda of the house and listened to the cheerful twitter of birds hiding in the surrounding vegetation. Probably, there are also roosters in the morning instead of an alarm clock singing. In general, it seems that he came to the country to relax. But in fact, of course, to work, because even Count Leo Tolstoy said that physical labor is the best cure for stress.

Teach your grandmother to suck eggs

Especially in an incubator. And what, in fact, do stupid hens do? The bird "dad" Ilya himself controls the temperature and knows better than any brood hen when the next child hatch. Oh chick! Or maybe an ostrich or a duckling.

It seemed that they were initiating me into some kind of sacrament when, behind the heavy door of the incubator, I saw the emergence of a new life. For some reason, the little wet chick looked like a hedgehog and was trembling slightly, apparently, it’s not so easy to punch your way to life on your own. The hard shell of an ostrich, for example, has to be beaten for two days to get out completely. To recover, he will need a couple more days, and only then the ostrich can be released.

Grandma beat, beat - did not break

But we, the beautiful ostrich egg (almost the size of my head) did not want to break. We carefully brought him to the house, made a neat hole at its base and ... waited a long time until all the contents flow into a huge frying pan with high edges. By evening, the eggs could be fried!

A few slices of bacon were added to the pan, fresh tomatoes, onions were chopped and covered with dill. A dish of one egg, seasoned with additional ingredients, was cooked for almost an hour, after which it was solemnly served. Four adults couldn’t overpower him!

But then each of us made a wish at will. We still believe in the sign that the plan always comes true when you try something for the first time.

What we wish for you too!

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