Interview with Alexander Viktorovich Semeshko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the UAE

Interviewed: Elena Olkhovskaya

Alexander Semeshko: "Understanding the differences and commonness, relations of friendship, partnership, mutually beneficial cooperation between countries are built"

Each person has his own concept of homeland. But abroad, for any of us, the Motherland is shrinking to the size of the embassy or consulate of its country, whose employees are always ready to help compatriots. However, the main work of the diplomatic missions is to establish strong bilateral ties with other countries. And therefore, it is always interesting to know who specifically represents the interests of our homeland abroad. We bring to your attention an exclusive interview with Alexander Viktorovich Semeshko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the UAE, given to our magazine.

Alexander Viktorovich, according to tradition, we would like to meet you first. Tell me, please, how was your diplomatic career developing before coming to the UAE?

My diplomatic career began at a fairly mature age. In my youth I devoted myself to the study of chemistry, a science that was very popular and fashionable in the 60-70s. He studied at Belarusian State University, then at Novosibirsk University. He defended his thesis on the specialty "Physical Chemistry" and for about 20 years "made a career" as a scientist-chemist. I have more than 100 scientific papers, inventions and patents on the fundamental and applied problems of photochemistry and physical chemistry of solids.

In the early 1990s, he was invited to the civil service at the State Committee for Problems of Overcoming the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster, created in Belarus after the 1986 Chernobyl accident. For several years he worked as the head of the department of international scientific and technical cooperation of the State Committee, and then (after its reorganization) the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

In 1997, I received an offer to head the Department of International Scientific and Technical Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. In 1999 he was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to the Republic of Korea. After returning to Minsk, in 2006 he headed the department of cooperation with the CIS countries.

In August 2008, he was appointed Ambassador to the UAE. In January of this year appointed concurrently as Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Qatar.

The Embassy of the Republic of Belarus has been working in the UAE since 1999. Looking back on more than ten years of experience in the work of the Belarusian diplomatic mission in the Emirates, what can you say about what is happening today in the further strengthening of bilateral relations between the Republic of Belarus and the countries of Arabia in various fields?

In addition to the UAE, the embassy is responsible for Saudi Arabia and the State of Qatar, in which today I officially represent the interests of Belarus, as well as the Kingdom of Bahrain and the State of Kuwait.

Over the ten-year period of the work of the Belarusian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, much has been done. Regular political dialogue has been established with the states of our responsibility at the highest and highest levels, trade, economic and investment cooperation, cooperation in the field of science and technology, tourism, sports, culture, education and others are developing. A solid legal base has been created with the direct assistance of the embassy necessary for the normal development of bilateral cooperation in various fields. In total, 68 international treaties have been signed with the Gulf states, 48 ​​draft agreements are at various stages of elaboration.

The most actively developing relations with the UAE. The Belarusian-Emirate partnership is strategic in nature, and we are interested in the progressive expansion of all segments of interaction. A landmark event in the development of bilateral cooperation was the second visit of the President of the Republic of Belarus A. Lukashenko to the United Arab Emirates in 2007 and his negotiations with the President of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashed al-Maktum and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan. At the level of the leadership of Belarus and the UAE, open trust relations have been established and are maintained, and cooperation between our countries has reached a new stage of development. I am pleased to note that our interest is mutual. Such steps by the emirate’s side as the opening of the UAE embassy in the Republic of Belarus and the launch of direct flights between Minsk and Abu Dhabi are a vivid confirmation of this.

Why do you think that on the map of the Arabian Peninsula it was the UAE that was chosen by the country where Belarus conducts most of its diplomatic activities in the region? What is so special about the Emirates?

Already in the 1990s, the UAE was known throughout the world as a regional trade, economic, financial, and tourist center. I think that when deciding to open a Belarusian diplomatic mission on the Arabian Peninsula, such factors as the active development of the Belarusian-Emirate trade and economic relations and the positive bilateral political dialogue between the leaders of our states also played in favor of the UAE. For the Republic of Belarus, the United Arab Emirates is a strategic platform for activities in the Gulf region.

After South Korea and the Far Eastern culture, how did the Emirates personally seem to you? How comfortable do you feel here?

It was interesting and comfortable to work in South Korea. There are many friends left with whom I still maintain warm relations. I feel no less comfortable in the Emirates.

The Far East and the Middle East are completely different both in terms of mentality, culture, traditions, and natural and climatic conditions. But one parallel is obvious. Both Korea and the UAE are countries of the so-called. "economic miracle", for several decades, literally jumped from a state of poverty to prosperity. The ways, methods, sources of these achievements are naturally different. But the results, what has been done both in the UAE and in South Korea for relatively short periods of time, are impressive.

In general, when meeting a new country, you first see the external form in which traditions, customs, and culture of the people are clothed. And at first glance it may seem that there is nothing in common in the mentality of the people and culture of the same Korea and the UAE. But after delving into these issues more deeply, with interest, you can see that every nation on the historical path of its development creates "rational, kind, eternal." And in this sense, we are all alike. It is on the understanding of differences and community that the relations of friendship, partnership, and mutually beneficial cooperation are built.

In the Emirates, recently, immigrants from the former Soviet Union began to actively seek communication with each other. Even the Association of Russian Compatriots was created, which attracted not only citizens of Russia and the CIS countries, but also those foreigners who once studied in the USSR. How do you work with the citizens of your country in the UAE at the Embassy of Belarus? How is communication with those Belarusians who work and live here?

A relatively small number of our compatriots live in the UAE, while the vast majority of Belarusians are concentrated in Dubai. Work with fellow citizens occupies an important place in the activities of any overseas institution, because the protection of the rights and interests of compatriots is a priority area of ​​work of diplomatic missions.

The embassy is interested in closer communication with our citizens and I take this opportunity to invite economically active people to think about the possibility of promoting Belarusian goods in the UAE. I am sure that work in this direction can become a very profitable business for compatriots, while the Embassy is ready to provide the necessary assistance to such undertakings.

Currently, the main communication with compatriots is conducted mainly during receptions on consular issues. Taking this opportunity, I want to draw the attention of dear readers that, in connection with the entry into force on January 1, 2010 of the Special Part of the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus, which fixed the uniform rates of consular fees in euros, from the beginning of this year we switched to collecting consular fees in euros. The amount of fees charged for consular acts has also changed. In this regard, I recommend that before visiting the consular department of the Embassy, ​​familiarize yourself with the current tariff for consular fees on the website of our foreign office www.uae.belembassy. org. By the way, anyone who is interested in the problems of Belarusian-Emirate relations can find relevant information on the site, there is a feedback form on the site and this is another way of communicating with our citizens.

I want to emphasize the very important role of the Russian Emirates magazine as a source of information, as one of the main centers of consolidation of the community of CIS citizens in the Emirates.

Are any events planned in honor of the 65th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, because it was our common victory?

As for the events dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, you rightly noted that this is a significant date for all our peoples. Approved at the CIS Summit in Bishkek in October 2008, the Plan of Key Events for the Preparation and Celebration of the 65th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 provides for more than 50 joint various-format anniversary events of scientific, cultural, educational, military-patriotic, military-patriotic memorial and social character. At a meeting of the Council of CIS Heads of State in Chisinau in October 2009, it was decided to declare 2010 in the CIS the Year of World War II veterans, which will be held under the motto "We won together." Here, the text of the Address of the Heads of the CIS Member States to the peoples of the CIS member states and the world community was adopted in connection with the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. It is planned to publish the text of the Appeal to the media of the CIS member states on the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Victory and distribute it to the UN as an official document.

In general, events dedicated to Victory Day are organized not only during the celebration of round dates. For example, a train with war veterans follows from Moscow to Minsk annually these days, which then goes to places of military glory and arrives in Brest. Veterans communicate with each other, meet with youth. This is very important, especially now, when some states or their leaders are trying to rewrite history. You know, probably, that the feature film "Brest Fortress", which was financed from the budget of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, was recently shot. This film will be ready for screening by May 9th. I think that here we can see it. Of course, the festivities dedicated to the Victory Day will be held in Russia, and Belarus, and in other countries. I think that together with the embassies of the CIS countries in the UAE, we will try to adequately celebrate this holiday.

In which sectors of the economy do you see the most promising cooperation between Belarus and the UAE?

The UAE is of interest to the Republic of Belarus, first of all, as a market for the supply of industrial products. In addition, the Emirates are for our country a promising partner in the field of credit and investment cooperation. Mutual interest is the joint work in the field of renewable energy. We see the UAE as a stronghold for promoting Belarusian exports to third countries.

What product groups are you talking about?

First of all, we are talking about the products of the Belarusian engineering and chemical industries. In particular, these are MAZ trucks, Belarusian Volat tractors, Belshina tires, fiberglass and chemical fibers, and metal products. In 2009, a new but very promising direction of Belarusian exports to the Emirates was the supply of food products.

Well. We still have to wait for the Days of Belarusian culture in the UAE. What is planned in this direction?

Holding the Days of Belarusian Culture in the UAE is on our agenda, and perhaps this spring we will be able to organize this major and significant event. Together with the interested ministries, organizations and companies of the UAE and Belarus, preparatory work is being carried out. Within the framework of the Days of Culture, the performance of the Belarusian ballet, circus, musical groups, the festival of Belarusian cuisine, etc. The hotel “Emirates Palace” is considered as a possible venue for the event.

Do you have a database of Belarusian citizens or are people still not very willing to register with the consular section of the embassy?

Belarusians residing in the UAE, as a rule, contact us at the embassy to resolve issues of consular nature, and upon receipt of such appeals we register information about citizens. It should be understood that this is in no way aimed against our fellow citizens, on the contrary, we proceed from the fact that this information helps to better perform our work to protect the rights and legitimate interests of compatriots.

Thank you, Alexander Viktorovich. Allow me to wish you continued success in the diplomatic field.

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