Dubai to host Global Village international fair for 124 days

On November 1, Dubai began its Global Village, the largest venue for family vacations and entertainment in the Middle East region, and an open-air craft fair from around the world. In total, this season Global Village will work 124 days - until March 3, 2012.

The management and organizers of the "village" prepared for the visitors a lot of fascinating surprises, various performances and events, as well as giving everyone free access to the Global Village on the day of its opening. This winter, 28 exhibition halls are participating in the fair, in which 40 countries are represented. For the first time, Global Village will bring together countries such as Spain and Tunisia.

This season has become special for Global Village, as it coincides with the celebration of the 40th anniversary of UAE National Day, which will be dedicated to numerous celebrations and concerts. Event organizers at Global Village are always keen to prepare for visitors the most fascinating types of shows and performances, including the Dancing Fountain, located in the center of Global Villagelake Lake. Another interesting place to visit is the World Tent, which can be visited by more than 600 people. All events in the Global Village will be widely covered in local and regional media, on social networks and using the Blackberry Messenger application.

In the last 15th season, Global Village received over 4.5 million visitors. On weekends and holidays, this family vacation place gathered a record number of guests - up to 165 thousand people a day. Also last year, more than 15 different performances and shows were held on the territory of the "village", some of which were first presented in the Middle East. Among them - acrobatic and sports performances, concerts of dance groups and music groups from Georgia, Cuba and Sri Lanka. In addition to entertainment, more than 10 thousand employees worked in Global Village in 30 different pavilions from 45 countries. They sold more than 2500 items of goods representing different countries and cultures, as well as cuisine from 25 countries of the world. In the 15th season, the debut of two new pavilions: Cambodian and Islamic. In the latter, the Islamic Museum was operating for the first time, which was of particular interest to the guests of Global Village. As expected, in the current anniversary year for the UAE, the fair will break all attendance records.

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